Ci puoi incontrare in presenza presso l'evento che si svolgerà in Piazzale Duca D'Aosta il 22 maggio.


For over 50 years ZANCANER has been devoting its efforts to meet the automation requirements of the manufacturing industry.
Established in the 60s, Zancaner developed the first yarn cone packaging machine in 1963 and then designed new devices and machines to label, box and palletize the bagged cones and the full boxes.
The experience acquired over the years lead into the creation of new machines designed for the converting industry that are highly adaptable to the different needs of the customers and are able to handle different kinds of packaging materials: polyethylene stretch film and thermo-retractile one, polypropylene bags, carton boxes and many more.
All the machines are designed by our R&D dept and produced and tested at our site prior to the delivery to the customers and the post- delivery assistance is guaranteed by our service dept.
The automation can be pushed to the highest level thanks to modular units that can be chosen by customers according to their production requirements.
The softwares of our machines are all internally designed and our team of technicians travels the world to install and star-up the lines at customers’ sites.
ZANCANER is a well know and trusted company and is constantly expanding its business also in the logistic & automatic warehouses field, thus acquiring new customers in this always growing industry.


Principali aree di studio alle quali siamo interessati

  • Ingegneria Elettrica
  • Ingegneria Elettronica, delle Telecomunicazioni e Fisica (ETF)
  • Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione
  • Ingegneria Informatica, del Cinema e Meccatronica
  • Ingegneria Meccanica, Aerospaziale, dell'Autoveicolo
  • Pianificazione e Progettazione

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