Did you know that the Politecnico of Turin is the oldest in Italy?

and that studying Architecture in Turin you could follow lessons in a real castle, Castello del Valentino?

or that the first woman graduated in engineering in Italy has obtained her degree in our university?

The Politecnico of Turin is the first engineering school in Italy, founded on the trend of the technical-scientific renovation culture that saw, in the mid 19th century, the birth of Europe’s most prestigious European polytechnics.
Born in 1859 as an Application School for Engineers, it became in 1906 Regio (Royal) Politecnico of Turin. The Politecnico, for over 160 years- with precision, integrity and according to high quality standards- is continuing to train professionals in the field of engineering, architecture, design and territorial planning.

The Politecnico of Turin has increasingly become more and more an international school where tradition and innovation, past and modernity intertwine. A long journey in continuous evolution which has accredited the Politecnico among the best European technical universities for education and research with 38700 students, 16% of whom come from over 100 foreign countries and an academic body of about 1000 professors.

In a profoundly evolving world scenario, as a result of the disruptive effects of phenomena such as globalization, climate change, populatio aging and the emergence of new and increasingly pervasive technologies, University must evolve in order to continue to make an impact on the rapidly changing society.
Therefore, the Politecnico aims to be a “platform” uiversity, permeable, inclusive, open to the world professions and industry and with a key role in innovation processes and lifelong learning in order to become more and more a driving force in the sustainable development of society.

At the Politecnico, education and research in the fields of engineering, architecture, design and planning are integrated and create a system to provide concrete answers to students’ needs with a view to the strong internationalization of educational activities, research and technology transfer activities. Collaborations with the best universities and research centres in the world, agreements and contracts with major international industrial groups enable our graduates to have more opportunities to enter the world of work: 9 out of 10 master’s graduates, are working one year after graduation, with more stable and better paid contract than the average of Italian graduates (source: AlmaLaurea).

Studying at the Politecnico means gaining those skills needed to face changes and helping solving problems and questions that are a consequence of the times we are living. This is also thanks to the fact that the results obtained from the research and from the enhancement of cultural activities, have been shared.
The university wants to be seen as the centre of a polytechnic education that means research and technology but also culture: literature, art, music, cinema and much more in an increasingly multidisciplinary and open perspective.

More than 39000 enrolled students.

25 Level I degree courses (4 in the area of architecture, design and planning, 21 in the area of Engineering)

37 Level II degree courses (9 in the area of Architecture, Design and Planning, 28 in Area of Engineering)

35 training courses completely in English

37 Level I and II degree courses and continuing education courses

18 PhD courses, 5 of which in collaboration with other universities (3) and research institutions (2)

Intrapreneurs path – for bachelors degree students of the I level

Early Research Honors School path for bachelors degree students of I Level

High polytechnic school pathway for bachelor degree students of II level